AWS IoT Series: Part 2— Introduction to IoT Greengrass

Lakin Mohapatra
2 min readMar 12, 2020


As discussed in part1, here is the part2 of the AWS IoT Series.

What is AWS Greengrass?

AWS IoT Greengrass is a software that puts cloud capabilities to local devices. This enables devices to collect and analyze data, react autonomously to local events, and communicate securely with each other on local networks.

In AWS IoT Greengrass, devices are able to exchange messages with each other on a local network without having to connect to the cloud.
As subscriptions are deployed from cloud to local Greengrass core device, it enables local devices to communicate via local MQTT manager if connectivity is lost.

AWS IoT Greengrass protects user data :
1. Through the secure authentication and authorization of devices.
2. Through secure connectivity in the local network.
3. Between local devices and the cloud.

AWS IoT Greengrass consists of the following things.

Software distributions :

AWS IoT Greengrass Core software

It is the core software that runs on a local high powered device that is responsible for controlling all other devices present in the corresponding Greengrass group if connectivity to the cloud is lost.

Some of the key features :
1. Allows local execution of Lambda functions
2. Allows local MQTT messaging between devices
3. Synchronization of the local shadow of devices.
4. Deployment of cloud-trained machine learning models locally
5. Secure, over-the-air (OTA) software updates of user-defined Lambda functions.

AWS IoT Greengrass core SDK

AWS Greengrass Core SDK allows developers to write Lambda functions in their preferred language which will run within Greengrass core.

Some of the key features are :
It enables lambda functions to —
1. Communicate with local shadow service
2. Interact with Greengrass core
3. Invoke other deployed Lambda functions
4. Publish messages to AWS IoT
5. Interact with other AWS Services etc.

Cloud service :

AWS IoT Greengrass API
AWS IoT Greengrass core instances are configured through AWS IoT Greengrass APIs that create and update AWS IoT Greengrass group definitions stored in the cloud.

For more info on AWS Greengrass, please refer to this link

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Lakin Mohapatra
Lakin Mohapatra

Written by Lakin Mohapatra

Software Engineer | Hungry coder | Proud Indian | Cyber Security Researcher | Blogger | Architect (web2 + web 3)

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